Lietojuma biežums :
basidiomycetes vārds svešvalodā; latīņu, novecojis
Bazīdijsēnes, senāk — bazidiomicētes.
Avoti: LLx
Korpusa piemēri
Korpusa piemēri
Šie piemēri no latviešu valodas tekstu korpusa ir atlasīti automātiski un var būt neprecīzi.
- No otras puses, bazīdijsēņu ( Basidiomycetes) filoģenētisko analīžu rezultātā konstatētas evolucionāras pārejas starp parazītiskām, saprotrofiskām un mutuālistiskām attiecībām ar augiem ( Hibbett et al. 2000).
- Himēnijsēnes ( " Agaricomycetes", pirms 2001. gada lietoti arī nosaukumi " Hymenomycetes", " Homobasidiomycetes" un " Basidiomycetes") ir lielākā bazīdijsēņu klase, kuru bazīdijas ar bazīdijsporām un sterilajiem izaugumiem starp tām veido nepārtrauktu slāni — himēniju.
- Latvijas sēnes Fungi of Latvia World fungi websites FUNGIPHOTO . COM Basidiomycetes Greater Antilles Mushrooms of the Netherlands The SERG Mushroom Gallery Forest Fungi of New Zealand Na Grzyby
- Cement bonded particleboards Determination of frost resistance LVS ENV 12038 200 3 Durability of wood and wood based products Wood based panels Method of test for determining the resistance against wood destroying basidiomycetes LVS EN 12369 1 200 2 Wood based panels Characteristic values for structural design Part 1 OSB , particleboards and fibreboards LVS EN 12369 2 200 4 Wood based panels Characteristic values for structural design Part 2 Plywood LVS EN 12775 200 2 Solid wood panels Classification and terminology LVS EN 12871 200 2 Wood based panels Performance specifications and requirements for load bearing boards for use in floors , walls and roofs LVS ENV 12872 200 2 Wood based panels Guidance on the use of load bearing boards in floors , walls and roofs LVS EN 13017 1 200 2 Solid wood panels Classification by surface appearance Part 1 Softwood LVS EN 13017 2 200 2 Solid wood panels Classification by surface appearance Part 2 Hardwood LVS EN 13353 200 3 Solid wood panels SWP Requirements LVS CEN TS 13354 200 4 Solid wood panels Bonding quality Test method LVS EN 13446 200 3 Wood based panels Determination of withdrawal capacity of fasteners LVS CEN TS 13810 2 200 4 Wood based panels Floating floors Part 2 Test methods LVS EN 13810 1 200 3 Wood based panels Floating floors Part 1 Performance specifications and requirements LVS EN 13879 200 3 Wood based panels Determination of edgewise bending properties LVS prEN 13912 200 2 Wood and wood based materials in stair components Requirements LVS EN 13986 200 3 Wood based panels for use in construction Characteristics , evaluation of conformity and marking LVS EN 13986 200 5 Wood based panels for use in construction Characteristics , evaluation of conformity and marking LVS prEN 13986 200 2 Wood based panels for use in construction Characteristics , evaluation of conformity and marking LVS prEN 14080 200 2 Timber structures Glued laminated timber Requirements LVS ENV 14272 200 3 Plywood Calculation method for some mechanical properties LVS EN 14279 200 5 Laminated Veneer Lumber LVL Definitions , classification and specifications LVS EN 14322 200 4 Wood based panels Melamine faced boards for interior uses Definitions , requirements and classification LVS EN 14323 200 4 Wood based panels Melamine face boards for interior uses Test methods 1999 200 5 Latvian Standard Ltd
- European spruces , firs , pines and Douglas firs LVS EN 1912 200 0 AC Structural timber Strength classes Assignment of visual grades and species LVS ENV 1927 1 200 1 Qualitative classification of softwood round timber Part 1 Spruces and firs LVS ENV 1927 2 200 1 Qualitative classification of softwood round timber Part 2 Pines LVS ENV 1927 3 200 1 Qualitative classification of softwood round timber Part 3 Larches and douglas firs LVS ENV 12038 200 0 Durability of wood and wood based products Wood based panels Method of test for determining the resistance against wood destroying basidiomycetes LVS ENV 12169 200 3 Criteria for the assessment of conformity of a lot of sawn timber LVS EN 12246 200 1 Quality classification of timber used in pallets and packaging LVS EN 12248 200 1 Sawn timber used in industrial packaging Permitted deviations and preferential sizes LVS EN 12249 200 1 Sawn timber used in pallets Permitted deviations and guidelines for dimensions LVS EN 12490 200 0 Durability of wood and wood based products Preservative treated solid wood Determination of the penetration and retention of creosote in treated wood LVS EN 13145 200 2 Railway applications Track Wood sleepers and bearers LVS EN 13183 1 200 3 Moisture content of a piece of sawn timber Part 1 Determination by oven dry method LVS EN 13183 1 200 3 AC 2003 Moisture content of a piece of sawn timber Part 1 Determination by oven dry method LVS EN 13183 2 200 3 Moisture content of a piece of sawn timber Part 2 Estimation by electrical resistance method LVS EN 13183 2 200 3 AC 2003 Moisture content of a piece of sawn timber Part 2 Estimation by electrical resistance method LVS prEN 13183 2 199 8 Round and sawn timber Method of measurement of moisture content Part 2 Method for determining moisture content of a piece of sawn timber Electrical method LVS EN 13556 200 3 Round and sawn timber Nomenclature of timbers used in Europe LVS prEN 13912 200 2 Wood and wood based materials in stair components Requirements LVS prEN 14081 1 200 2 Timber structures Strength graded structural timber with rectangular cross section Part 1 General requirements LVS prEN 14081 2 200 2 Timber structures Strength graded structural timber with rectangular cross section Part 2 Machine grading Additional requirements for initial type testing LVS prEN 14081 3 200 2 Timber structures Strength graded structural timber with rectangular cross section Part 3 Machine grading Additional requirements for factory production control LVS EN 14128 200 4 Durability of wood and wood based products Performance criteria for curative wood preservatives as determined by biological tests LVS EN 14251 200 4 Structural round timber Test methods LVS EN 14298 200 5 Sawn timber Assessment of drying quality LVS ENV 14464 200 3 Sawn timber Method for assessment of case hardening LVS CEN TR 14734 200 4 Durability of wood and wood based products Determination of treatability of timber species to be impregnated with wood preservatives Laboratory method LVS CEN TR 14823 200 3 Durability of wood and wood based products Quantitative determination of pentachlorophenol in wood Gas cromatographic method 1999 200 5 Latvian Standard Ltd