Šie piemēri no latviešu valodas tekstu korpusa ir atlasīti automātiski un var būt neprecīzi.
- Bronchoskopy , pleura cavity punction , pleura biopsy at Day Care Consulting Unit
- When required , provides invasive therapy methods pleura transtoracal drenage , pleurodhesis , active lung reponation , sanation bronchoskopy etc
- All kinds of in clinical hospital provided diagnostical and diferentialdiagnostical examinations various laboratory examinations x ray , CT , MR transtoracal biopsy in CT contole pleura biopsy , toracoskopy computerized examination of external respiratory functions bronchoskopy wuth videobronchoskope bronchwalls and transbronchial biopsy broncho alveolar lavage evacuation of foreign bodies from bronchi , etc
- 3. kas pie velna ir pleura?