Lietojuma biežums :
sailor novecojis
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- Jūrā kāds piesmakušā balsī dziedāja “ Sing, sailor, sing”.
- Leonards Koens, nelielu, melnu platmali pavilcis uz pieres, tumši zilā uzvalkā un pelēkā pletkreklā ar aizpogātu augšējo podziņu, dziedāja trešajam, jaunajam spēcīgas miesasbūves apustulim, kurš atgādināja zvejnieku un kura vārdu tagad neatceros: „ And Jesus was a sailor / When He walked upon the water / And He spent a long time watching / From His lonely wooden tower / And when He knew for certain / Only drowning men could see Him / He said all men will be sailors then / Until the sea shall free them / But He himself was broken / Long before the sky would open / Forsaken / Almost human / He sank beneath your wisdom like a stone / And you want to travel with Him / And you travel blind / And you think maybe you´ll trust Him / For He´ s touched your perfect body with His mind. ”
- He was a sailor and explorer who traveled the South Seas
- cozy 2005 6 15 20 5 46 2 sailor boys
- When you wear a sailor suit at a public school